Thursday 5 April 2012

Be inspired...

Hey friends,
I've loved working at home today, wrapped up in layers, heating on, constant flow of tea, banging out some tunes on spotify, thinking about being my own boss, dreaming up new travelling adventures and recieving a lunchtime call from the husbs.

The best bit of the day however was finishing up my second order! This one was pretty exciting because it was my client that came up with the idea. She wanted to give a gift to her auntie that was very personal so she got her to write a list of all the people, places and things that were special to her to write around the heart I was making.
I love that I can incorporate a client's ideas into my designs - that's what makes gifts so unique and special. It's like you get to share a little piece of somebody else's life, wondering what these people and places mean to someone you've never met. Like a secret only a few people know but you're making a piece of art inspired by their memories.

I love being inspired by people, I've now got a load of ideas in my head waiting to be made into something. Thank goodness for the long easter weekend!

Who will inspire you this week?

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